Since your reading this, you've probably already run GDraw progarm and said to yourself "It's pretty, but what the heck is it?" Well, it started out as an attempt to model to isolated gravitational bodies in space and grew from there. GDraw can model several bodies, plot the center of mass (the point that all the bodies are attracted to), attempt to calculate a stable orbit for the bodies (rounding error cause quick decay), and, most impressive of all, it runs under MultiFinder without committing suicide! GDraw is virtually fool proof, but accidents do happen. If the bodies ever jump off the screen completely, just hit Cmd-R to get new random paths. So go try it out, have a good time. The only really impressive feature is the speed of the program. I cut a lot of corners and hacked tons of assembly just to achive passable speed on a Mac+. Charlie Reiman 328 S. Edson Ave. Lombard, IL 60148-2414